AI-NET without Real Service (free course)

In addition to searching for information such as listings and market prices, this course allows you to use the "bidding service" that allows you to enter absentee bids for each auction.

Registration fee ¥0

Basic monthly fee ¥0

About bidding

  • Bid
Auction participation conditions

  • The searchable period and bidding period for exhibited vehicles are as follows.

    Auction/date Searchable period Bidding period
    General machinery/Tuesday
    Wednesday AM12:00~ Monday PM 12: 00 ~
    Two wheels/Tuesday
    Friday PM 12: 00 ~ Monday PM 12: 00 ~
    Oyama 4 wheeler/Thursday Friday PM 12: 00 ~ Wednesday PM 12: 00 ~
    Sendai 4-wheel/Tuesday Tuesday PM 12: 00 ~ Thursday PM 12: 00 ~
    Bayside 4 Wheel/Friday Tuesday PM 12: 00 ~ Thursday PM 12: 00 ~
    Bantra/Saturday Tuesday AM 12: 00 ~ Friday PM 12: 00 ~
  • The deadline for accepting bids is as follows.

    4W/VT/construction machinery Before the auction starts: 30 minutes before the auction starts
    After the auction starts: Up to 100 vehicles ahead of bidding vehicles (up to 200 vehicles in the case of 2 lanes)
  • The reception time for bid cancellation and price correction will be the same as above.
  • We may not be able to accept your application due to line problems, etc.

  • Bid
Participation in Arai Auction

  • If you bid using the i-net "bidding service", you will not be able to bid on the vehicle at the venue (POS bidding).
  • The bid registration will be canceled by the conductor for vehicles that have undergone or have undergone corrections.

    [Example of correction without canceling the bid]

    • Addition of recycle ticket and correction of amount
    • Addition of instruction manual, maintenance notebook, warranty card, record book
    • Added timing belt replacement history
    • Raise your score
    • If the documents and name change period are longer than listed
    • When the contents of the inspector's report are canceled
    • Add genuine equipment
    • Add one owner notation
    • If the car inspection remaining is longer than listed
    • If the mileage is less than listed

    *In addition, it may not be canceled at the discretion of the conductor.

  • If there is a correction slip for the bid vehicle at the affiliated venue, the registration will be cancelled.

    * Even in this case, the bid fee will be collected.

  • When bidding at the same price is decided, priority will be given to members who bid within the auction venue.。
  • If there are bids at the same price for the auction vehicle, the bid decision authority will give priority to the earliest bid.
  • Absentee registrants will have the authority to determine the successful bid price and the absentee bid price will be up to the "absentee registration price + 1 POS raised price".

    *Example) Absent price: 100,000 yen/Price raised: 3,000 yen → Bid decision amount authority (absent bid amount): up to 103,000 yen.

  • All bid fees shall be collected even if the bid is canceled when the credit limit is exceeded.
  • Even if the bid is canceled due to correction or exhibition cancellation, the bid fee shall be collected.

  • Bid
Successful bidder bidding results

  • About the successful bid fee

    VTs, construction machinery: A bidding fee of 100 yen is recorded on the auction statement for each bidding vehicle. Even if the bid is canceled after the bid or if the credit limit is exceeded, the bid fee will be slightly collected.

  • Receipt of complaints Complies with this agreement.
  • Regarding carry-in and take-out, follow the carry-in and take-out guidelines of each venue.
  • Regarding the land transportation application, please contact the successful bidder.

  • Bid
About affiliated auction

  • About bid fee

    Auction bid fee 400 yen

  • About the successful bid fee

    Affiliated Venue:
    Auction successful bid fee from 15,000 yen
    ※Varies depending on the venue or vehicle category.

  • Complaint acceptance Complies with the bidding agency agreement and affiliated venue agreement.
  • Concerning carry-out Comply with the carry-out guidelines of the affiliated venue.
  • Regarding land transportation applications, it will be arranged by the winning bidder, and will only be carried out by our designated land transportation company.
  • Searchable period and bidding period

    • The searchable period is from two days before the auction date.
    • The bidding period is from the day before the auction date.

    * Searchable period and bidding period may vary.

  • The closing time for accepting bids varies depending on the affiliated venue.
  • The reception time for bid cancellation and price correction will be the same as above.
  • We may not be able to accept your application due to line problems, etc.

  • Successful bid shop
  • Exhibit shop
About each store inventory service

  • About bid fee
    Bid fee Free

  • About the successful bid fee

  • Complaint acceptance Complies
    with the AI-NET Store Stock Services agreement.
  • Concerning carry-out Comply
    Sellers must ensure that purchased vehicles can be carry-out within 7 days after the closing date.
  • Regarding land transportation applications,
    it will be arranged by the winning bidder, and will only be carried out by our designated land transportation company.

  • Bid

Subject to the "AI-NET Agreement", "Arai AA Agreement", "Bid Agency Agreement", and"AI-NET Store Stock Services Agreement".

Usage environment