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AI-NET Bidding Service (free course)
Usage environment

Usage environment

The following environment is required to use the AI-NET Bidding Service (free course). Please check if your computer meets the environment before applying.

Usage environment

OS Windows10
Monitor 1200x800 or larger display area
Browser Microsoft Edge
Network Optical network (optical fiber)
Other Wired LAN

About using SSL

We partially use SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) on our website, and communication when using the service is performed with encrypted SSL to protect our customer's information. Please note that you may not be able to use our services if your WWW browser or communication environment does not support SSL.

About Cookie

Our website uses cookies to make some of our services more convenient.
A cookie is a function that allows our website to store information in your browser and retrieve it when you need.
This website uses cookies only for the following purposes.

  1. (1) Use cookies to manage information between screens and confirm that it is the same person.
  2. (2) Prevent unauthorized access and protect customer security.
  3. (3) Website access analysis by using access analyzing software.

Depending on your browser's settings, it is possible to receive notifications and choose whether or not to receive them. However, to use all the functions of our website, please set your browser to accept cookies.


About JavaScript and StyleSheet

Pages on our website use JavaScript and style sheets. In order to use all the functions of this website, please set your JavaScript, and StyleSheet can be used. Normally, each browser is set to "Enable".
(If the above settings are not valid, the screen might not be displayed correctly, or unable to use some other functions)