What AI-NET can do

Exhibit (sell)

  • AA inventory listing
  • Adjustment of listings in AI-NET Real
  • AI-NET store inventory listing

Bid (buy)

  • Bid on AI-NET
    (all arai auction, affiliated arai auction yard)
  • Bid on AI-NET real
    (all arai auction, affiliated arai auction yard)
  • AA inventory bidding
    (all arai auction, affiliated arai auction inventory)
  • Bidding for each store inventory service
    (AI-NET, Stopra, Tentori)

Other functions

With AI-NET, you can use the following functions.

  • Exhibit vehicle search
  • Confirmation of various transactions such as listing/successful vehicle/purchased parts
  • Management of in-store inventory vehicles
  • Add to my favorite
  • Auction market price search
  • Bidding progress of each auction
  • Other


This is an application that allows you to use AI-NET on smartphones and tablet devices. Installation is free. You can use various functions such as vehicle search with QR code, listing management, successful bid management, preview service and negotiation.

AI-NET introduction movie

What is "AI-NET"?

This is an Internet service provided by Arai Auction Group that allows you to participate in auctions at current car auctions simply by accessing the website from your home or office.

AI-NET Enrollment Course

AI-NET Real Service (paid course)

You can use all AI-NET services including AI-NET Real.
With AI-NET real service, real bidding is possible at all Arai auction venues + 56 affiliated auction venues.
*Depending on the membership system you have joined, the venues that can be used are limited.

AI-NET Bidding Service (free course)

This service allows you to use the AI-NET basic system.
You can use it to search for vehicles listed in Arai Auctions and affiliated auctions, to search market prices, and to bid online.
*Depending on the membership system you have joined, the venues that can be used are limited.

AI-NETi course

Paid course with AI-NET real service + iO Real's super affordable package course!

AI-NET i (AI) participates in paid courses with AI-NET real services at Arai Auction Group's current car auction venues (cars-3 auctions, bikes-2 auctions, van/truck-1 auction, construction equipment-1 auction). A “super profitable package” for Arai AA full members who can become an iAuc Real associate member provided by iAuc Co., Ltd. and participate in the iAuc Real connection venue.

Inquiries about AI-NET service

AI-NET Group (AI-NET service inquiry desk)

548 Awamiya, Oyama City, Tochigi Prefecture 329-0201 (Arai Shoji Co., Ltd. Oyama Venue)
TEL.0285-45-1561 FAX.0285-45-7772